I've said it before and I'll say it again! I love before and after photos from our garden so I thought I'd share some with you too!
To learn more about growing your own corn access this helpful
download about corn from the UC Davis Vegetable Research and Information Center. This and many other helpful links and resources can be found on the California Master Gardener Program website called
California Garden Web.
To learn more about the corn varieties we have growing in the garden visit the
corn page on our website.
Here is the corn on June 30 about a week or so...cute! (Can corn be cute?) It's hard to believe it will ever amount to much! |
Here you can see a couple rows. Some of the seeds did not germinate. |
Here is a photo of that same corn, only this was taken just over two weeks later on July 16. They grow up so fast don't they? |
Now you can see the corn is filling in despite the few that did not germinate. |
This is what they look like almost a month after (August 12, 2010) the photos that were taken just above on July 16. |
We have two patches of corn growing in our 'Malting and Brewing Bed' just outside of the brand new Brewery, Winery and Food Processing Facility. Perfect fit, right? |
Here is a close-up of the corn blossom! This is a really interesting variety called 'martian jewels' corn. The kernels are white, but the cob is a rich purple; the flavor is hardier and richer than most typical sweet corns. |
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